Spruce Pitch
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Spruce Pitch - Picea mariana
35 g - 100 g - 1 lb
Black spruce is one of the most common trees in the Northern Saskatchewan boreal forest. The pitch is sustainably harvested by collecting the nodules that accumulate when the tree exudes sap to protect itself from insects and disease after being injured or scarred. It had many traditional uses as a medicine, sealant and can even be chewed as gum.
Black spruce pitch has many uses and potential health benefits, including:
- Wound healing - Black spruce pitch can be used to keep wounds clean and prevent infection.
- Skin conditions - Black spruce has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties, making it useful for treating acne, eczema, and other skin conditions.
- Muscle and joint pain - Black spruce oil can be used in a massage to help with muscle pain and sore joints.
- Respiratory issues - Black spruce oil can help with respiratory blockages, pneumonia, whooping cough, and croup.
- Stress and anxiety - Black spruce oil can help with stress and anxiety.
- Antimicrobial and antibacterial - Black spruce oil can be used as a home cleaner or to top up the cleanliness of certain surfaces.
- Natural antidepressant - Black spruce oil can release serotonin, which can increase feelings of well-being and inner calm.
- Adrenal glands - Black spruce hydrosol can boost the immune and respiratory systems.
Further research into the medicinal uses of Spruce Pitch is needed to better understand definitively the plant’s health benefits. There is not enough scientific information available to guarantee safety for pregnant and breastfeeding women.