Birch Leaves
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Birch Leaves - Betula papyrifera
35 g - 100 g - 1 lb
The white or paper birch is the official tree of Saskatchewan. It is common in our Boreal Forest and its bark, leaves, and the sap have been used by indigenous peoples of a millennia. Components are used in traditional and naturalistic healing.
Birch leaves are used for potential health benefits, including:
- Birch leaves are high in methyl salicylate, which help with inflammation.
Vitamin C
- Birch leaves are rich in vitamin C and also contain vitamin A, B2 and B3.
Detox Tea
- Birch leaves can be brewed into a tea that can help detoxify the body.
Urinary tract infections
- Birch leaves can help treat urinary tract infections. Birch contains chemicals that increase water loss through urine, which can help flush out the urinary tract.
Further research into the medicinal uses of Birch is needed to better understand definitively the plant's health benefits. There is not enough scientific information available to guarantee safety for pregnant and breastfeeding women.